
Equipped with masterpieces of German watchmaking, tradition and innovation find their way into the bodies of Conelly Design. From the uncomplicated quartz movement to the most sophisticated mechanical precision pendulum movement - a sense of...

Verriegelung "GHOST-Lock"

Das von außen nicht sichtbare Verriegelungssystem GHOST-LOCK ermöglicht das verschließen der Fronttüren unserer ZEITCRAFT Timepieces auf magische Weise und verhindert so unerwünschten Zugriff auf den Inhalt. Es ist individuell wählbar für jede der 3 Türen...

interior design

Time for enjoyment - the classic grandfather clock can merge with contemporary and luxurious functions at Conelly Design. Custom-fit interior fittings can be integrated for almost any purpose on request. The humidor - fine cigars...


Externally, the dial is the most important part of a watch. A watch appears in a special light thanks to a high-quality dial. We offer you special dials for very special grandfather clocks. From stainless...